Our Healership Programs

Natural Energy Healing, Development & Ecology For:

Individuals, Families & Youth

Projects & Enterprises

Communities & Forces Of Nature

Cities & Nations

Humanity & Society

Ideas & Stories of Good

Living Earth & Planet

World Healing


Healership Programs
For Your Unique Way Of Wellbeing

How can we help you on your way?

Our energy healing, development and stewardship programs are custom-tailored to your goals and area of focus and care. Below are a range of Healership Programs we offer for your unique way of wellbeing.

With deep care for your bright journey ahead,
Kain and the Healership Crew

Healership For Individuals, Families and Youth


Healership For Individuals, Families & Youth is an empowering way of caring for and investing in yourself or loved ones, especially when needing substantial healing, experiencing life transitions or looking to rejuvenate and bring harmony through the transitions and cycles of life, like birthdays, as they serve as a special window when your personal energies are recalibrating for your journey of energetic wellbeing and spiritual development ahead.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For Your Area Of Focus And Care

Live Virtual Gathering Option For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Healership For Projects, Enterprises and Endeavors


Healership for Projects, Enterprises & Endeavors is one of the most essential practices for investing in and empowering the unique energy system, relationships and forces impacting of your mission of good, especially when navigating challenges, during phases of growth and as an integral, ongoing dimension of your project’s evolving ecosystem.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For Your Project’s Area Of Focus And Care

Live Virtual Gathering For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Healership For Communities & Forces Of Nature


Healership for Communities & Forces of Nature is one of the most powerful ways you can invest in helping your community enliven the heart of its being, get to the root of challenges, deepen understanding its inner and outer forces and move forward together on its journey of wellbeing through our work of caring for the underlying energetic ecosystem and relations vitalizing and fueling the living energy of the community.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For Your Chosen Community Or Force Of Nature

Live Virtual Gathering For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Healership For Places, Cities & Nations


Healership for Places, Cities & Nations is one of the most transformative and under-realized approaches to uplifting our lives, healing recurring societal ailments and lighting our path of evolving together into our bright future. The creative forces and Souls of our Places, Cities and Nations serve as vital centers and organs of planetary healing and are calling for our conscious stewardship of the healing energies they are instruments of.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For Your Chosen Place, City Or Nation

Live Virtual Gathering For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Healership For Humanity & Society


Healership for Humanity & Society is an extraordinary, integral way of helping our Humanity, yes the living energetic body and being of our Humanity, realize its potential, harmonize its relations and nourish its path of abundant wellbeing into its bright future planetary center of creative energies and stewarding force of good for our world.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For The Energetic Ecosystem Of Our Humanity

Live Virtual Gathering Option For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Healership For Ideas & Stories Of Good


Healership For Ideas & Stories of Good is a transformative approach to strenthening and contributing to the wellbeing and vitality of the stories, ideas, principles, values and culture of good shaping our lives, society and planet. Every story that is inspiring our world as force of good is a center of energy powered by a sourcing ecosystem of living energies that calls to be actively developed, cultivated and tended to like a garden. What story of good are you a steward of that is calling to be strenthened for the wellbeing of our future.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For The Story Your Called To Be A Steward Of

Live Virtual Gathering Option For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Healership For Our Living Earth & Planet


Healership for our Living Earth & Planet is a proactive, transformative spiritual opportunity and way for you to invest in planetary healing, solving systemic societal challenges and caring for the interdependent energy ecosystem and development of our Earth and future by helping power our vital, pioneering work of world healing.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For The Energetic Ecosystem Of Our Living Earth

Live Virtual Gathering Option For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


World Healership


World Healership is a synthesis of our mission of healing the heart of our world focused on cultivating the energetic wellbeing of 7 interdependent energies through the potency of weekly rhythms. Weekly World Healing is a calling for lives moved by uplifting the collective, interdependent wellbeing of our lives, society and world.

Adept Healing Sessions With Natural Energies For 7 Interdependent Forces Shaping Our World 

Live Virtual Gathering For Dialogue, Learning & Meditation Facilitating Deeper Healing

Energetic Development, Ecology & Stewardship Insight & Practices For Proactive Wellbeing & Evolution


Let’s discover if we’re a fit to assist you on your healing journey and mission of good with living energies

Healership may or may not be a resonant fit for you. We find a journey of wellbeing with Healership is most suited to adventurous, caring lives, endeavors and communities who:

  • Are seeking holistic, natural, energetic or spiritual approaches and solutions for personal and societal wellbeing
  • Have a sense that our outer energy and health are connected to our inner energy and health
  • Are inspired by learning, growing and contributing as citizens of the world
  • Are nourished by the beauty of nature and the living energies of our natural world
  • Are attracted to connecting the dots of life experience through spiritual exploration and perspectives
  • Are moved by helping uplift the wellbeing of others, our Humanity and our Earth as forces of good
  • Experience life as an extraordinary adventure of discovery, becoming and being

We hope this helps you clarify if we may be a fit.

“our path of healership is an extraordinary journey of discovering, valuing and stewarding the energies we’re here to share with our world”